Web Developer

Jon Ignatowski

In the summer of 2011, I traveled to Shaktoolik and Savoonga to survey members in each community about the impacts climate change has had on their subsistence lifestyle in an effort to build a base of Traditional Ecological Knowledge. With their candid perceptions and TEK, Dr. Rosales and I wrote a peer-reviewed article titled, “Identifying the Exposure of Two Subsistence Villages in Alaska to Climate Change Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge”.

Alessandro Marangelli

My name is Alessandro, I come from Rome, Italy. As a student worker for the Environmental Studies department I help as much as I can, working alongside Jon. As someone who is interested in justice, especially regarding the intersection of colonialism and pollution, I have been incredibly grateful to take part on this project.

Abigail Lateer

As a student worker for SLU's Environmental Studies department, Abigail assisted with keeping the AKSIK website up-to-date, accurate, and functional in her senior year. She is glad to have been able to help in any way with such a powerful project.

Alejandra Altamirano Salazar

Alejandra Altamirano Salazar participated in AKSIK in her senior year at St. Lawrence University. Originally from Costa Rica, she is pursuing a double major in Studio Art and Environmental Studies. Altamirano's interests revolve around sustainability, food systems and advocacy, and the intersection of both the artistic and environmental disciplines.